Posts Tagged ‘Colonial’

Now that Duke Nukem Forever and all the Borderlands DLC has been gotten out of the way, Gearbox are now back on track with the Sega license some of us have been waiting for them to finish for the past two years.

Aliens: Colonial Marines looks to be a strong close-quarters tactical FPS, set after the events of James Cameron’s movie masterpiece “Aliens”. If all goes according to plan, Gearbox will be able to draw from their experiences from making the underrated Brothers In Arms series, and the surprise hit Borderlands, to create a strong co-op experience.

Although the “Alien” movie universe is the brainchild of Ridley Scott, for many fans the story peaked with the second movie directed by James Cameron. While the odds are always against the protagonists in these films, they are at least trained and equipped in this one, and this made for some pretty insane carnage that holds up very well by today’s special effects standards. Bungie were so enamored by James Cameron’s futuristic marine corps aesthetics that they pillaged them wholesale for Halo: Combat Evolved, which if I recall was received fairly well…

We’re really ~really~ crossing our fingers with this one. Please Gearbox, don’t shame the memory of one of the greatest sci-fi movies of all time. We beg you.

The G4TV interview can’t be embedded here (since G4TV insist on using swf), but here’s the link for your watching pleasure: